Monday, April 28, 2008

Everythings just ducky

Things are coming on along with the move. In my perfect world, I wanted to be in there by today. But, that isn't going to happen. I still have quite a bit of work to do. Still trying to pedal off my goods on craigslist & still hauling many bags to the thrift shop. We did how ever take some of our precious belongings yesterday. Which is a great feeling to actual take things to the new home. I had a feeling we'd get to the marina at low tide. Sure enough it was. Low tide makes the walking ramp incredibly steep to walk down & equally as difficult to walk up. Plus it was raining. I should look into checking on the tide table before we go next time. I don't want to be scaling that ramp again. But, if I want to get buns of steel - I should only leave the house when the tide is low, so I can work my glutes :)

The picture above was taken by my friends who came for a little visit this weekend. That hanging basket belongs to my neighbour & this ducky has been in it protecting her eggies for awhile now. The daddy hangs out below. It's so cute. I can't wait to see her with her babies swimming around the marina.

I better get back to my real world now.


  1. Nice picture!

    We love your new home!

  2. Yes, it came from a wonderful talented photographer... Roberts Photography... have you heard of him? :)
