Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Am I done yet?

It's seems to be taking me forever to get these bunnies done. I just haven't been myself the last couple of weeks. I need a break. I think that is what really need to be done.

If I had just one day off....
  • I would sleep in... till 2pm... like I use to back in '95 (has it been that long?!!)
  • I would go buy some new plants to pot. (I love dirt)
  • I would hook myself up with a shamrock shake, while I still can.
  • Go magazine shopping at Sophia's (actually scratch that. I would stay right away from downtown) I'll hit the newstand on Lonsdale.
  • I'd bake some cupcakes for my girls.
  • I would have a nap.
  • I would watch a movie & eat my favorite pizza.
  • Then go to bed by 8pm.
This could never happen. But, it's nice to dream.

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