Is it safe to come out yet? EGAD! I've had THE worse weekend EVER!
It started Saturday morning. I might add, I was right about the weather & it was beautiful out! The sun was shining, it was our first warm lovely day of spring. I was washing dishes. Day dreaming, when I see a group of people walk by. I just prayed that they didn't look my way, because I was looking horrid, with my just outta bed-head. I thought they were just looking at the property next to us, because it is for sale. I continue on my merry morning cleaning up. Then I see more cars driving into our driveway. I just figure it's for the house next door. A nice day to be looking at new homes, kind of day. I continue cleaning & then someone knocks on the door. I go to answer, and open it a crack (rude I know) because I look so not good to be answering the door. Two little ladies, ask me about the sale. I say, "I have no idea about the sale". They insist there is a sale. I tell them, "there is NO yard sale & thanks for coming by, bye-bye" & shut the door. They go away & I still have no idea what they were talking about. I hop in the shower & as I get out, I hear someone calling my name! I peek out the window & it's my old neighbour who has come by to pick up her bike that is in the carport. I had been storing it for her since she moved awhile ago. Good timing on her part!
I got outside & talk to her & this fellow comes up the driveway & asks when the sale is starting!? I ask him, where he saw the ad... He had seen it in the local community paper, apparently. I tell him, "maybe my neighbours (we are in a duplex) wanted the ad to be published for next week". And there is some kind of mix up. He tells me there are people on the other side of the house waiting for the sale & are knocking on my neighbours windows! At this point I have no idea what the heck is going on & my neighbours are in Whistler for the weekend. He actually said he was by earlier & went through my CARPORT & took some jazz records & wanted to give me $10 for them!!!!??? I just could not understand what the heck was going on. I accept the money - in complete awe.
More people arrive, we begin yelling out to them before they have to walk the long driveway up the side of the house. "NO SALE, WRONG ADDRESS, SORRY" But, they all insist on taking a little looky past us & into my carport. I admit I have some things in there, but they are not for sale. I decide to call my neighbour on her cell & see if they were actually going to do a yard sale next weekend. She has no plans for any kind of sale. We sum it up to an error by the newspaper. I look up the ad online & discover the ad. It is advertised for Sat & Sun 10-5pm!! We basically spent the weekend keeping people from digging in our carport. Scavengers I tell you! Scavengers!! It was so terrible. The refused to believe the signs that I had posted everywhere, explaining the error of the newspaper. They still knocked on our door! I'm calling the paper tomorrow rant...
I had to go to work this morning because I am training a new girl. I park just around the corner from the shop at a 2 hour meter. I go out to plug it at 2pm. Some crackhead has broken in & turned everything upside down in the van! They went through everything! Right in the middle of the afternoon! On a busy corner! God! I felt so violated. I had just plugged the meter for another 2 hours too. I get in & drive it to the front of the shop, to clean it up & figure out what was taken. The buggers stole my oldest daughters Nintendo D.S & 4 games. It was hidden under the back seat! But, they at some point opened up the back door & moved the back seat forward so they could look under the seat. Jeez!
They emptied out all the change in the ashtray & stuff. They left nothing unturned. Creeps. It also smelled of urine in the van. It was sick. I cleaned everything inside. I try to continue with my day, not worrying about it. They stole some money that was hidden in the glove box... I know! I know! Don't keep valuables in the car. But, I always thought they kind of passed on cars filled with toys & booster seats. I know they don't care. They just want anything that they can pass off to get money for crack. They were stealing anything outta there for food, because I had food in there too. They didn't even touch it.
So not fair! Stealing a pink little D.S from some little girl. Evil scum. She's pretty upset about it. Because she was the only one that had anything taken from her, that counted as anything. Darn bad guys!
After work, I head to the grocery store to get pick up a few things. I go to grab by re0useable grocery bags.... and the jerks stole them! Can you believe that!?? I guess they needed something to haul away all my pennies in the ashtray! Jerks.
This was not the best weekend.
Fightin' off yard salers
Creeps crawling - all in my van.